Sunday, May 22, 2011

Projects for Green

During our Green Unit in our GT Seminar II class we came upon an interesting lifestyle called, "The 100 Thing Challenge".  This lifestyle is where you are only allowed to have a 100 things.  When I first heard this, I thought, "Psh! I probably already have that much!"  We were then asked to make a list of the things we needed for our life, I came up with 52.  Ms. Mystrena, our teacher, then asked us to make a list.    After learning this our homework was to go home and count everything we had (clothes, toys, games, books, sports equipment, etc.)  That night I was suprised at the amount.  When sharing in class our results, I was embarassed... 400 things!  That is such a large number compared to my list.

Shortly after we finished with that subject we went onto a "Mapping the Impact" project.  With this project, Ronak and I chose an I-Phone 3GS to traced all the resources and process it took to make that product.  It took so many resources from so many places in the world to make the I-Phone.  They must be depleting the environment they extracted it from.  Also the transportation and production also pollute the world.  It is amazing how it came to be made, but sad to see all the damage done.  And to think Apple keeps making new ones and people throw out their old devices.  What a shame!

Another interesting thing we did was take an online ecological footprint test.   If everyone lived my lifestyle we would need about 8 Earths.  It felt like a scumbag comparing them to everyone else's test.  However I have a farm so hopefully I am still not as bad as a person, I still am bad though.  I liked this test a lot, it left an impact on me.  I am going to alter my lifestyle to be more green, then retake it in the future and see if I have gotten better or worse.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Throughout the unit I have joined the GT Green Team, and wrote a letter to Mr. Czehut, head of janitorial staff of our school.  We included and asked if we were apart of the Burlington County Recycling Program and if not if we could join it.  Also the Green Team just suggested improving the recycling program and other specifics.  For example, we were wondering if the janitors actually recycled the paper and aluminum cans in the recycling bins and asked Mr. Czehut if not lets try to change that.  This was a fun part of our unit and I hope we are successful in our efforts.

Another aspect that changed me was the Untapped left a great impact on me.  It was about how the water bottle companies are basically unhealthy and steal water.  Also it liters the world and is a waste a natural resources and money.  Now during lunch other GT students and I yell at kids to recycle their cans.  It was funny to do, but it was a serious effort to be more green.  Also, I try to pick up trash on the ground whenever I see it.  In the future I know this Green ideology will stick with me and I will be as green as possible.