Sunday, November 28, 2010

Humanity, Hope, and the Human Spirit

When you really wrestle with the idea of humanity, hope, and the human spirit you could think about it forever!  The subject had me engaged and confused when first brought up in my class.  The unit means a lot to me.  It means a discovery of myself, others, and maybe the overall human race.  I have no idea where this confusing topic will lead me, but I really want to get into this because it is a difficult subject to discuss even for the smartest of people.  It will explain the drive, the choice, and the reason for humans. I hope this unit will help better my understanding of life and maybe even my own.


  1. Indeed Andrew! The topics of Humanity/Hope/Human Spirit are so vast and intriguing we could talk about them forever. We can all agree on certain things like what it means to be human and when we experience hope but there are so many things that each person brings to the table about their own human experience. That's what makes us as incredible as a species. We are so similar yet so different. The way we interact and grow as a species is so incredibly unique. Anyway, I’m also very interested in this unit the more we talk about it. I'm hoping for some self-empowerment and self-discovery myself.

  2. Andrew, when I first heard that we would be doing the Hope and the Human Spirit Unit, I was kind of confused too. I thought that it was a really broad topic. But now, I'm really excited that we're doing this unit; we're going to hear some amazing stories about some amazing people. I'm happy to see that someone else felt the same way that I did.

  3. I understand your initial reluctance because this is definitely a very philosophical unit. I'm interested to see what you will learn about yourself through this unit.
