Friday, February 25, 2011

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Field Trip

Today my Gifted and Talented Class went to the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C.  I was expecting a lot from what I heard.  When we got there the sights were amazing and the museum was so amazing!  One of the best parts I loved about was when the voices told you the story, the video interviews, and just how the museum gave all the raw facts.  It made me think that the Holocaust was even worse than I had already thought.  I had no idea that the nazis did all those experiments.  For example, freezing people and cutting their bodies into pieces shocked me even more than I had already thought.  It made me angry and sad.  It was amazing to see so much and I think everyone was very respectful while we were there.  My favorite part was when watching a video about a Holocuast Survivor.  He survived but apparently while he was there he picked up a phone and conned a general into not killing 70,000 people in the camp.  It is a miracle that he pulled it off and saved his peers.  What a relief he must have felt.  The last and final part I found hit the image home was when there were all those candles, like in the picture below, and everyone was their paying their respects.  Just something about all those candles and the big fire in the center made it feel holy.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The End of the Subject

At the end of our Humanity, Hope, and the Human Spirit subject I have realized many things.  On our final group project we researched if their was hope for humanity.  We found many different perspectives and opinions of this debatable question.  One person we found had an interesting point was Brian Holtz.  This timeline had a lot of predictions that gave my group hope for the human race.  For example, in 9000 90% of humans will speak the human race and in 2020 almost all tyranny has been eliminated.  This means we will be a global community and we will be an empathetic civilization like Jeremy Rifkin was talking about.  “If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” I truly believe we will survive.